Cycling is a family affair (2025)

1st October 2024

Cycling is a family affair (13)

Cycling for St Luke’s

Cycling is a family affair. This is especially true when it comes to Lisa and Dave and their three children who will be getting on their bikes next week for our hospice care.

The family have all signed up to our Tour de Moor on Sunday 13 October and are ready to put their bike skills to the test in memory of Lisa’s grandmother, Marnie.

This will be the second year the family have taken part in our annual cycling challenge on Dartmoor, last year raising £500 for our patient care.

The couple’s three children, Olly, 13, Lucy 11 and Zoe, 8 will be joining their parents on their bikes along with their aunts and uncle and cousin.

Lisa said: “Our whole household is taking part in Tour de Moor, (except the dog and cat). The dog will be miffed as he usually comes with us on Haldon Forest rides at the weekend!”

“This year we’ve all moved up a level of ride, with Zoe joining in on the piccolo (Mini-moor), while Olly and Lucy will be tackling the beast.”

While the family haven’t had any direct experience of St Luke’s care, after witnessing the care of her grandmother Marnie, Lisa is determined to help others who are going through the same locally.

“We haven’t experienced St Luke’s care, but my grandmother had a lovely philosophy about the end of life, and knew the value of little things that make people happy. She was in a home with amazing staff. When she could hardly drink a cup of tea without pain, they would share a piece of piano music with her or bring in their new baby for her to cuddle. She had done the same for her friends, making sure she visited when they were alone, sharing a funny story or bringing a homemade sponge.

“My mother and aunt cared for Marnie with huge dedication in those last years, with immense patience and love. She would be the first to join in in tribute to those who care tirelessly for others through the hardest times, to the end.”

You can follow the family’s fundraising on their JustGiving page:

St Luke’s Tour de Moor

Our Tour de Moor, sponsored by Print, Copy Scan, part of the Anglotech Group, is best known as an adrenaline packed two-wheel quest that can test the skills, fitness, and endurance of even the toughest of cyclists. But it’s so much more than that. With three distances and difficulty levels to choose from, it’s the ultimate inclusive family friendly cycling adventure.

Your registration fee covers our costs to run this event, but it’s your sponsorship and generous donations that really make the difference.

Did you know that if every Tour de Moor cyclist commits to raising at least £100, we’ll collectively have enough to care for 100 families at home at the most crucial of times? It’s not too late to ask your friends and family for sponsorship – even after you have completed the event.

Sign up now before it’s too late and join us on Dartmoor on Sunday.

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Cycling is a family affair (24)

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.