Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (2025)

The Bag of Holding is one of the most popular items to be used in Dungeons and Dragons, whether it's in traditional campaigns that follow official Wizards of the Coast modules or the homebrew games that can't help but include this all-time classic.


But classic can quickly turn to cliche when overused, and while it's undeniable that the sheer utility of the Bag of Holding makes it legendary, there are other ways to give your players unique inventory management– though there aren't many items that match the convenience of this legendary bag, there are certainly a few that are as fun to use.

10 Handy Haversack

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (1)

The Handy Haversack is the item you pick if you want a bit of variation without losing the core functionality of the Bag of Holding– though not nearly as spacious, this sack is significantly smaller and lighter than its counterpart.

Another thing that differentiates the Handy Haversack is that no matter what item you're looking to grab, it will always be at the top of the pile when you reach in. Its differences from the Bag of Holding make it much better for combat, since it's less cumbersome and allows you to maintain focus while pulling out an item.

9 Bag Of Devouring

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (2)

The Bag of Devouring is a great item to give a group of players that loves to abuse the Bag of Holding– looking nearly identical to the famous item, this bag is less of a free utility and more of a situational tool.

The mouth of the container does not lead to the typical extradimensional space, instead acting as an orifice for an unknowable monster– any and all food that finds its way into the bag is devoured immediately, and any living thing that is even partially inside the beast has a 50-50 chance of getting sucked in. Despite this, it can actually still function as a mediocre storage space for non-organic matter, though its contents need to be refreshed daily to avoid them being permanently destroyed.

8 Portable Hole

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (3)

The Portable Hole is one of the few items in the official Dungeons and Dragons library that matches the level of utility possessed by the Bag of Holding. This weightless black cloth might even surpass the extradimensional pouch if you're looking at pure item-storing power.


Once you put the six-foot wide circular sheet against the ground, it will form a ten-foot deep hole that's ready to be filled with a dragon's horde of gold. What makes it even cooler is that it can be used to store living things for ten minutes before they suffocate, taking infiltration to a whole new level.

7 Apparatus Of The Crab

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (4)

The Apparatus of the Crab isn't intended to work as a storage solution, being more of a combat mech than a pocket dimension– but because of the limited space it has in its cockpit, it can actually be a mobile space for you to keep a few treasures.

You're not going to be lifting this 500-pound mech to carry your items, so like a horse or camel, you'll have to ride your items around. Thankfully, the space inside is water-tight and can support life for ten hours, making it the perfect place for you to keep emergency food and even hide creatures.

6 Cubic Gate

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (5)

The Cubic Gate allows the user to enter a portal to six different planes, one of which being the material plane, and the other five being the DM's choice. It has three charges initially and regains new charges every day at dawn.

It may not seem like this would work as magical storage, but it actually can in certain specific scenarios. Since its portal is opened with a player-cast gate spell, you can choose to travel to a specific storage space in a different plane, drop off or pick up items, and then return to where you left off with ease.

5 Folding Boat

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (6)

The Folding Boat is not huge on storage, but the little space it has is more than worth it for its utility– by speaking its command word, the foot-long box is able to turn into three different sizes of boat while still containing the item that was stored within.

You wouldn't think this space useful for much more than a loaf of bread, but there's no greater deterrent to meddling hands than the potential for a container to explode into a seafaring vessel at a single word. Thanks to this, you can be sure that dangerous and powerful artifacts will be kept quite safe in the confines of the tiny box.

4 Efficient Quiver

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (7)

The Efficient Quiver is a better-balanced form of the Bag of Holding, limiting how much you can hold by a significant amount but allowing every item taken from it to be removed as though it were from a quiver or scabbard.


Though you might think that it would only be able to hold arrows, the Efficient Quiver actually has three compartments of progressively larger sizes that are useful for any type of item. You won't be fitting anything huge in this container, but the ability to pull out anything at speed makes it a powerful combat tool in the most fraught of situations.

3 Mirror Of Life Trapping

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (8)

The Mirror of Life Trapping is more of a way to capture living beings rather than items, but with a few clever tricks, it can be an advanced storage space that can hold food and items at no penalty to their quality.

Any creature you trap inside the mirror is stored with the belongings they possess, meaning that taking a docile creature, saddling it with a non-magical storage container, and sending it into the mirror will preserve both the creature and your treasures indefinitely. Though the mirror weighs 50 pounds, it can still be carried by a steed and used to store 12 different sets of items.

2 Iron Flask

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (9)

Like the Mirror of Life Trapping, the Iron Flask can indefinitely trap one living creature from another plane, making it a way to keep a set of items safe in a portable package. In addition to storing your items, the creature inside will follow your orders for an hour upon release.

It's probably best to use this item for storing volatile and important items that you don't plan on using regularly– for how difficult it can be to find a docile creature that isn't native to your plane, you'll get the most value by keeping it closed for longer.

1 Instant Fortress

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (10)

The Instant Fortress is more like a temporary safe than a conventional bag, being a place for you and your party to leave your items safely. Since it can go back to a tiny cube once you've emptied it, you'll always have a place to protect your most valuable items.

Thanks to its immunity to non-magical weapons, as well as its damage-sponge walls, there's very little chance that anyone will be able to infiltrate the space– given that it can be out indefinitely, you can keep items in places of great convenience with very little risk.


Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Magic Storage Items That Aren't A Bag Of Holding (2025)
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