How To Prep A New Acrylic Nail Brush (2025)

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How To Prep A New Acrylic Nail Brush (2)

So, you've got a brand new acrylic nail brush in your hands, and you're itching to dive right into creating some fabulous nail art. But hold on, my friend! Before you start painting away, there's an important step you need to take: prepping your new acrylic nail brush.

Here’s a walkthrough on how to prep a new acrylic nail brush to ensure it's clean, shaped, primed, and ready for flawless nail art.

Why Is It Important To Prep A New Acrylic Nail Brush?

How To Prep A New Acrylic Nail Brush (3)

As a nail technician, you know that having the right tools is crucial for achieving flawless results. One tool that often gets overlooked but plays a significant role in your acrylic nail application is your brush.

The companies that manufacture acrylic nail brushes spray a special chemical called resin. This glue-like compound is what makes the brush stay in shape till it gets to you.

There are also air bubbles trapped inside the bristles of a new acrylic nail brush and you have to get them out.

So why should we prep a new acrylic nail brush? Here are the reasons:

Remove Residue

When you purchase a new brush, it often comes with residue from the manufacturing process. This residue can affect the performance of your nail brush and compromise the quality of your work.

By prepping your acrylic nail brush, you ensure that any leftover residue is removed, allowing your nail brush to perform optimally.

Shape the Bristles

Brushes come in various shapes and sizes, and the brush bristles need to be properly shaped to suit your specific needs.

By prepping your acrylic nail brush, you can reshape the bristles to your desired shape, whether it's a sharp point for intricate designs or a flat edge for smooth application.

Soften the Bristles

New brushes can sometimes have stiff bristles, which can make it difficult to achieve the desired application. By prepping your new acrylic nail brush, you can soften the bristles, making them more pliable and easier to work with.

Remove Chemicals

Brushes are often treated with chemicals during the manufacturing process to preserve their quality. These chemicals can be harmful if they come into contact with the nails or skin.

The aim of prepping a new acrylic nail brush is to get the resin off and the bubbles out of the brush bristles. Using your acrylic brush without removing the resin can result in:

  • Discoloring of acrylic nails when applied
  • Splitting of the brush hairs
  • Acrylic getting stuck to the bristles and ruin your brush.
  • Getting air bubbles into the acrylic bead.

Whether you're using a new acrylic nail brush or an old one, proper preparation is key to ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

Further in this article, we'll dive into the best way to prepare a new brush and the consequences of skipping this essential step. So grab your brush and let's get prepping!

What Materials Will You Need

How To Prep A New Acrylic Nail Brush (4)

Here is the list of the materials needed to prep a new brush:

  • Dappen dish
  • Monomer
  • Paper towel or lint-free cloth
  • Nail Brush

How To Break In Your New Acrylic Nail Brushes

How To Prep A New Acrylic Nail Brush (5)

When you already have all the materials that you need, follow this easy guide to help you prep your new acrylic nail brush:

Step 1: Say Goodbye to the Plastic Cap

Take off the plastic protective cap covering the brush. We don't need any barriers between us and fabulous nails!

You should not place back the plastic cap cover because the liquid monomer can dissolve the plastic and ruin your acrylic nail brushes for good.

Step 2: Bust That Glue Seal

Use your fingers to massage and break up the bristles. Use your thumb and your forefinger to flick through the brush. You should see fine particles coming off the brush – that's the glue we're trying to get rid of.

Do this gently for about 3-5 minutes. This process could be time-consuming, especially for bigger round brushes.

To learn more, can watch this video on removing the resins from your acrylic brush with your fingers.

Pro tip: "If you're dealing with a bigger brush with a rounded belly, it might be a bit difficult. Grab an orangewood stick or any blunt object and push through the bristles to help remove the resin."

Step 3: Dip and Swirl

Pour some liquid monomer into a dappen dish. Immerse the brush into the liquid and swirl it around the base of the container to get rid of any remaining particles.

You should see air bubbles rising to the top of the liquid. Keep pressing the brush gently but firmly against the bottom of the dish to get rid of all the air bubbles.

Run the bristles against the edge of the dappen dish, give it a wipe on the clean paper towel, and dip it into the liquid monomer again.

Repeat step 3 until the brush is thoroughly clean and free of air bubbles. Wipe the brush and discard the used monomer.

Pour some fresh monomer into the dappen dish. Dip the brush into it and wipe off the excess liquid against the edge of the dish. This is to rinse off any particles that may still be on the bristles.

Step 4: Shape it Up

Now roll the brush into the desired shape using a clean paper towel to achieve the shape that you want.

Whether you have flat brushes or round brushes you can always experiment to achieve your desired shapes.

You can check more on how to flatten your acrylic brushes or how to crimp nail brushes to know more about these methods to achieve your dream nail art.

Step 5: Let It Dry

Once you've shaped your brush, lay it horizontally on a clean surface and let it air dry completely.

This will prevent any moisture from accumulating in the ferrule, which could lead to bristle damage or mold growth. We definitely don't want that!

And voila! Your new acrylic brush is now ready to bring your nail art dreams to life!

Alternative Way to Your New Acrylic Brushes

Alternatively, you can forego step 2 if you do not feel comfortable using your fingers. Use a small, thin-toothed comb to gently comb the resin out of the bristles.

This method will work best on brushes with a larger belly. You can watch this video on how to break in a new acrylic brush without touching the bristles to see how it’s done.

Pro tip: "Wash your hands with soap and water to get rid of skin oil as this can damage the bristles."

Now that you know the best ways to prep your brushes, you can read more on how to maintain and clean acrylic nail brushes to make sure your brushes are in the best shape.

Final Thoughts

How To Prep A New Acrylic Nail Brush (6)

Prepping your new acrylic brush is a simple but important step for nail technicians. It removes residue, shapes the bristles, and ensures optimal performance.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create beautiful nails for your clients. So, the next time you get a new brush, don't skip the prepping process.

Your nails (and your clients) will thank you for it!And that's a wrap! I hope you found this step-by-step guide helpful. If you have any questions or tips of your own, feel free to leave a comment below.

How To Prep A New Acrylic Nail Brush (2025)
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