Reporting Scotland: A cancerous presence in Scottish media? (2025)

Reporting Scotland: A cancerous presence in Scottish media? (1)

Reporting Scotland: A cancerous presence in Scottish media? (2)

80 miles for treatment after the area’s health board didn’t manage to recruit a specialist medic.

80 miles? Dundee to Edinburgh is 61 miles and Dundee to Aberdeen is 66. They’ve had to work hard with Google to get some longer ones.

There are, I feel sure, many who travel further and longer.

Regular readers will know that NHS Tayside’s breast cancer mortality rate is lower than most in Scotland and that it has the best performing A&E service (98% in 4 hours) in the UK, possibly in the world but, hey, they don’t want you knowing that do they?

  1. It wouldn’t matter what the data facts are, the BBC will twist and lie when it comes to anything in Scotland, it’s what they are there to do it seems. Someone will make a series about it one day, when ‘Pacific Quay’ is closed down and an independent Scotland has their own independent broadcaster.

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  2. Eye operation carried out in Dundee. 1 hour travelling. For an immediate emergency operation To save someone’s sight. A detached retina.

    A small distance and price to pay. For excellent service. Many people are eternally grateful for the SNHS. They do an amazing job. Saving people’s lives, especially in a pandemic,

    E-mail to Dr’s surgery. An appointment made for the next day. Prescription. Job done. An excellent service. It could not be better.

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  3. Something which is inconvenient is built up into a disaster by BBC Doom. I’m undergoing cancer treatment at present. A few months back, despite living west of Edinburgh I went for a procedure at Haddington as I could get it done quicker than in Livingston or Edinburgh . No biggee.

    Before Christmas I underwent radio therapy in the Western General in Edinburgh. During my visits I met people from various parts of Scotland . 2 ladies I met were up from Portpatrick and Newton Stewart. A long way from home but they were put up in a local hotel in order to be treated in a major cancer centre of international repute.

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  4. radio 4 this week . . .
    A mother was talking of her daughter being hospitalised due to mental illness. Eventually she was placed in unit over 300 miles from her home.
    The patient who lived in England (as did her family) was placed in a unit across the order in Scotland.

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  5. The BBC has an agenda in Scotland.
    Everyone knows that, and its been driven politically by the Brit Nats in Downing Street, for two decades.
    Previous to that it could be considered “natural” for a broadcaster to run with the Unionist line, but pro-independence opinion in Scotland has been “mainstream” for more than the last twenty years.

    The media, while being above day-to-day politiking, should reflect to some extent, the audience they serve–they should certainly not oppose legitimate democratic opinion.

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  6. This issue is of course not just restricted to BBC Scot is much wider than that. Take for example a BBC News special today on ‘Britain’s Dangerous Buildings’ which in the aftermath of Grenfell included almost exclusively woeful tales from England and how the Tory Gov is taking steps to tackle the disparity of the huge costs facing many leaseholders in the same way they provided meals for deprived kids! (dragged screaming). As discussed before on this forum this deception is a regular feature of the BBC, Sky and others in MSM when there is clear evidence of fault/incompetence/corruption in England but then disguised as ‘British’ as if Scotland is just as bad and/or the Scot Gov is equally to blame. It begs the question what steps are the Scot Gov taking to prevent this from happening and to address this blatant mis-reporting. Can the Scot Gov not take them to court or OFCOM? Anyone?

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    1. The Grenfell issue etc is more about protecting the old boys’ network in Kensington than actual issues of construction or costs, hence the protracted inquiry with a particular focus on squirrels.
      The wider they can spread blame the less attention is paid to those who were pivotal to the Grenfell manslaughter, a legal nicety which avoids accusations of murder.
      On the issue of SG countering the garbage emanating from Pacific Quay I’d suggest very little can be done, HMS Sarah Smith know it, as do the Herald, Scotsman editors etc., they are the “news” mafia, they have a monopoly.
      Independence is our only way of breaking this “cosy” arrangement, and do not expect any assistance from the media in doing so.

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Reporting Scotland: A cancerous presence in Scottish media? (2025)
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